Boosting the Efficiency of Your AC This Summer

Don’t postpone your air conditioning maintenance in Murfreesboro this summer. Some HVAC and air conditioning maintenance techniques can actually help boost the efficiency of your air conditioning system. With proper air conditioning maintenance, your home will be at a more comfortable temperature during the hot summer months—and your energy bills won’t be as much of a burden.

One thing you can do to boost the efficiency of your HVAC system is to change your air filters at least every three months. Filters are inexpensive, and they can keep your unit from working on overdrive and causing your electricity bills to skyrocket. Also, have an air conditioning service check your unit for Freon leaks at least once a year, as leaks can cause your system to become overworked and less efficient. Finally, turn up the thermostat when you leave your home. This puts less pressure on your air conditioning unit and also saves money on your energy bills.